
Argyle Township Court House & Archives (ATCHA) will occasionally host special events which are open to the public and are often free of charge.  We will always indicate whether there is a fee required for any event.

Events may take place at the Archives, the Court House, or on the grounds between the two buildings.  Occasionally, we may put on events at other locations within the community, especially when we partner with other groups.

For all events on site, parking is available at the rear of the buildings.  There is wheelchair ramp access at the Archives and a wheelchair accessible washroom.  However, the Court House may not be accessible to those with physical impairments, due to narrow doorways, various floor heights and stairs. 

Many of our events are now offered in a hybrid format, which allows for in-person attendance, as well as providing the option to join virtually from the comfort of your own home.  For this reason, we will often ask guests to register, even if the event is free.  We need to ensure we have enough space for attendees and also provide those attending virtually with Zoom links.

If you wish to register for an event or if you have any questions, please contact us by email: or phone: 902-648-2493.

We would also love to hear from you if you are interested in doing a presentation or workshop, etc. 

Please refer back to this section often as we will keep the Events Calendar updated throughout the year.  These types of events are also advertised on our social media channels (Facebook and Instagram).

We thank you for your support and look forward to seeing you at our events.

Events Calendar

Date Description
April 6/24

Memoir Writing Workshop with Sandra Phinney (10am to 4pm).  Fee $120. To register or get workshop outline, contact Sandra: or 902-648-0462. In-person only at Archives.

Learn More

April 17/24

April 24/24

May 15/24

June 5/24

June 6/24

Argyle Farmers Market: 

  • Opening Thursday June 6th, 3pm-6pm
  • Every Thursday from 3pm to 6pm
  • Location: on the grounds between the Court House & Archives
  • Become a Vendor

June 14/24

Court House open for season: June 14.

June 19/24

June 19, 2024 at 7pm:

Argyle Municipality Historical & Genealogical Society’s AGM

Followed by our annual Awards Ceremony:  Argyle Township Heritage Award; Argyle Township Great Neighbour Award; Argyle Township Distinguished Volunteer Award.

Guest Speaker:  Todd Muise, “Fort Lameron”

Hybrid Format: Register to reserve your spot in-person at the Archives, or to receive a Zoom link to join us online.

July 6/24 

July 6 - Tusket River Project:  Big Boat Art

  • Come create crafts, banners and an anthem for the big boat launch.
  • Workshop 1pm to 4pm
  • Location:  ATCHA Archives

*Partnership with Francine Dulong of Blooming Ludus and South West Paddlers Association

Registration required: Please call or email  to register: or 902-648-2493

July 7/24 

July 7 – Tusket River Project:  Big Boat Launch

  • Launch ceremony, light refreshments and a chance to paddle in the Big Boat
  • Procession from 1:30pm
  • Location:  Argyle Lodge

*Partnership with Francine Dulong of Blooming Ludus and South West Paddlers Association

Free (No registration necessary)

Sept. 7 & 8/24

September 7 & 8:  Tusket River Project:  Free Public Paddles

  • Saturday 7th at Wedgeport Tuna Wharf, 1pm & 3pm
  • Sunday 8th at Argyler Lodge, 1pm & 3pm 

*Partnership with Francine Dulong of Blooming Ludus and South West Paddlers Association

Registration required:  Please call or email  to register: or 902-648-2493

Oct. 25/24

Court House closed for the season.