Appendix 3: List of Schools
Prior to the consolidation of schools in the 1960′s, most communities within the Municipality had their own one or two room school. Some sub-divided communities had more than one.
The following is a list of all schools that were found within the Municipality of br Argyle. Consolidated schools have been inter-filed alphabetically with all others.
- Abram’s River
- Amirault’s Hill
- Amirault’s Hill Consolidated
- Argyle
- Argyle Consolidated
- Argyle Harbour
- Argyle Head
- Argyle Sound
- Bell Neck
- Belleville North
- Belleville South
- Central Argyle
- Central Kemptville
- Center East Pubnico
- Center East Pubnico Consolidated
- Comeau’s Hill
- East Pubnico
- East Quinan
- Eel Brook
- Gavelton
- Glenwood
- Hawthorne
- Hubbard’s Point
- Lower Argyle
- Lower East Pubnico
- Lower Eel Brook
- Lower West Pubnico
- Middle Belleville
- Middle East Pubnico
- Middle West Pubnico
- Morris Island
- Plymouth
- Plymouth Consolidated
- Pubnico
- Quinan
- Quinan Consolidated
- Rockingham
- Ste.-Anne-du-Ruisseau
- Ste.-Anne-du-Ruisseau Consolidated
- Seal Island
- Sluice Point
- Springhaven
- Surette’s Island
- Tusket
- Upper West Pubnico
- Wedgeport
- Wedgeport Consolidated
- Wedgeport East
- Wedgeport North
- Wedgeport South
- West Pubnico
- West Pubnico Consolidated
- West Quinan