Series consists of petitions by the citizens of the Municipality of Argyle to Municipal Council on a wide variety of matters. Series has been divided into sub-series of petitions for animal control, road & bridge matters, fire control, ferry services, and other miscellaneous petitions.
Sub-series consists of petitions from various parts of the Municipality of Argyle requesting regulations for the control of cattle, sheep, hogs, etc. within their respective districts; petitions requesting the construction of animal pounds; and petitions concerning bounties for the control of wild animals such as bears and wild cats.
Some petitions in this sub-series were followed by counter petitions illustrating some disagreement amongst the citizens of the Municipality of Argyle regarding the regulations needed for animal control.
Sub-series consists of petitions from various parts of the Municipality of Argyle requesting the construction of new roads & bridges, repairs to roads & bridges, against the construction of roads, for land damages caused by the construction of roads, for road alterations, for alterations to road district boundaries, and petitions to be allowed to perform statutory labour on specific roads.
Some bridge petitions also involved dykes or aboiteaux.
Sub-series consists of petitions from various parts of the Municipality of Argyle to the Municipal Council requesting regulations for the control of forest fires, and a petition on the part of the Municipal Council to the Provincial Legislature requesting changes to Provincial Legislation regarding forest fire protection.
Sub-series consists of petitions from various parts of the Municipality of Argyle requesting the establishment of ferry service between various communities not adequately served by the public road system.
Sub-series consists of miscellaneous petitions from various parts of the Municipality of Argyle. Petitions cover such topics as requests for Council to elect a Warden in 1902, raising of tax collectors salaries, requests by Overseers of the Poor in certain districts for increased funds from Council, the regulation of mills and dams on various rivers, requests for additional Municipal Councilors, petitions to have various individuals appointed to specific offices, alterations to polling districts, petition for independent audit of Municipal Accounts, and petitions for railway service.